Who Was Trained Not To Spit On The Fan? (1977), Pink Floyd

La historia ya la conoces, es el concierto final de la gira In The Flesh, en Montreal, y Roger Waters, durante Pigs on the Wing (parte 2), le escupe a un fan de primera fila porque se había dedicado a encender fuegos artificiales durante gran parte de la presentación.

"Oh... for fuck's sakes, stop letting off fireworks and shouting and screaming, I'm trying to sing a song! I mean I don't care, if you don't want to hear it, you know... fuck you, I'm sure there are a lot of people here who do want to hear it. Why don't you just be quiet? You want to let your fireworks off go outside and let them off out there. And if you want to shout and scream and holler go do it out there, but I'm trying to sing a song that some people want to listen to it. I want to listen to it".
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